NiagaraMods & 1 Cloud Africa partner to distribute Reflow

Based in Johannesburg, 1 Cloud Africa is our first African-based partner. The team is excited to be the first local provider of Reflow product and support services to system integrators and building owners in the 8 countries they serve.

We asked Gary Trueman, Director at 1 Cloud Africa about their success with Reflow and what's driving this new partnership:

Partnering with the right software provider is essential for delivering efficient and effective building automation solutions.

One of the key reasons we chose to partner with NiagaraMods on Reflow is its advanced technical capabilities, including its ability to integrate with a wide range of building automation systems and generate custom reports and dashboards. Additionally, Reflow is highly customizable, allowing us to tailor the software to meet the unique needs of each client.

Partnering with Reflow also provides numerous benefits to our clients, including improved system efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and increased building occupant comfort. The software simplifies building management tasks, enabling clients to free up time and resources for other critical activities.

Overall, our partnership with Reflow by Niagaramods allows us to deliver exceptional building automation solutions to our clients, enhancing their overall productivity and streamlining their building management processes

– Gary Trueman, Director, 1 Cloud Africa

The team at NiagaraMods is happy to be working with the great people at 1 Cloud Africa! We're excited that our global customers have a spectacular new partner to travel with on their Reflow journey.